Jingjing Deng  ้‚“ๆ™ถๆ™ถ

  Assistant Professor (PhD, FHEA)

  Rand2AI Lab, VIViD Research Group

  Durham University, Computer Science, UK


I am an Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science at Durham University, as of . My research covers a range of topics in visual computing and deep learning. I lead the Rand2AI aiming to develop computational models that can cultivate and generalise intelligence from and for the complex visual world. We are actively working on challenging problems that are motivated by industrial practices and theoretical principles across fundamental disciplines.

University   G-Scholar   DBLP   arXiv   HuggingFace   GitHub

I am looking for research students who are interested in the following topics. Unfortunately, these projects so far are not funded. Nevertheless, a number of open scholarships are available for potential candidates. I am more than happy to support qualified candidates, however, scholarships are highly competitive.

  1. Foundation Model for Texture & Geometry & Semantics

  2. Visual Computing & Deep Learning (General Sci./Eng.)

  3. Theory for Artificial Intelligence (Maths/Physics/Statistics)

ไผ—: I very much welcome collaborations on challenging problems with academics given that we all are willing to commit intellect, time, and effort by ourselves other than delegating to Post-Doc or PGR.

Peer-Reviewing Note: Do NOT invite me to review unless you have first contacted me via a personal channel. Even then, I am most likely to decline. Numerous unsolicited requests were received each week, which I junk and delete them without reading.

Selected Publications

For the most recent works, the pre-print can be found on arXiv, the code are hosted on GitHub.

Deep Learning

Visual Computing

Grants and Projects

My works have been funded by the following research councils and industry partners in various ways. I am grateful for the supports.

Our team support open-source and open-science initiatives in a greatest possible manner under the permission of ethics, privacy, confidentiality and commercial agreements. We are expecting the potential collaborators are also in favor of the openness.

Team Members

So far, I have successfully supervised 1 Ph.D and 1 M.Res students up to their completion. I am very fortunate to work with the following colleagues and students.

Research Students

Visiting Scholars

For prospective students who are interested in reading a Ph.D with me on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, please email me with your CV and research statement. I am expecting you have a solid background in Computer Science or Applied Mathematics or related subjects, (i.e. Pure Mathematics, Physics, EE, Comm.), professional programming skills, a deep sense of curiosity, and persistence. A recommendation letter directly from your current supervisor is essential. If there is no explicit evidence to demonstrate your research skills (i.e. publications on recognisable venues, open-source project experience), another recommendation letter from an academic referee is required. You need to meet the entry requirements of University.

There are a number of EPSRC, University, Faculty and Department funded Ph.D studentships at Durham every year which (most-likely-only) cover a tuition fee at the UK-Home level and a living stipend. The deadline for applying is typically in early Jan with a decision being made in Feb/Mar and a non-negotiable start date of 1st Oct. You need to secure an (unconditional) offer before submitting your studentship application. The studentship is very competitive, and the applicants are assessed by an award committee mainly based on applicants' performance, potential, track record and academic background. If you are interested, please get in touch with me by the 15th Nov for the coming round.

ๅ›ฝๅฎถๅ…ฌๆดพๅ‡บๅ›ฝ็•™ๅญฆ้กน็›ฎ: For Chinese students, I am more than happy to support your CSC applications. More information can be found here or there. The scholarship cover annual allowance etc. and the full cost of tuition fees (only via University nomination routine) to successful Chinese national candidates.

Professional Activities and Awards

Teaching and Mentoring

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). I received Consistent Excellence in Teaching Award at Durham University (2023-2024). I was the assessment officer of CS department at Swansea University (2018-2022), where I led the assessment team during the COVID-19 and faculty restructuring periods (2019-2022).

I am teaching, and have had taught the following modules at various Universities:

Ongoing Courses

Previous Modules

Office Hour: Wednesday 4:00pm-6:00pm (During Term Time, Book with Me) .

Email Response: I will try my best to get back to you ASAP, but it does not guarantee it can meet your expectation. A gentle reminder is always welcome. (A) For module related queries, I will answer them in a batch manner on Monday & Wednesday & Friday. (B) For any other urgent queries, I will answer them on a daily basis given that I have time to do so.

Academic Reference: For University UG/PGT students, please note that I am NOT able to provide you academic references UNLESS (A) you are working directly with me (primary supervisor) on your dissertation projects for at least 3-months in the last 18-months, OR (B) you currently are my academic advisee. You should ALWAYS ask permission to pass my contact to your employer or University admission office for every reference. Any unauthorised reference request will be ignored. Please be mindful of how many references you are requesting.

Rand2AI Lab

We are a group of researchers having common interests in visual computing and machine learning ranging from theory through methodology to applications in physical sciences.

Updated: December 2024